
PMS Important English Idioms

1. To add insult to injury ; To intensify a person

2. To be born with a silver Spoon in one’s mouth; To be born in a rich family

3. A bolt from the blue ; An expected disaster

4. To blow one’s own trumpet; To boast

5. A bone of contention ; Cause of quarrel

6. To burn one’s fingers ; To suffer

7. To beat black & blue ; To beat mercilessly

8. To cast an aspersion ; To bring discredit

9. To cry over spilt milk ; To feel sorry for what has happened

10. To cut a sorry figure ; To make a poor impression

11. To die in harness ; To die while doing one’s duty 

12. To end in smoke ; To fail

13. To go to the dogs ; To be ruined

14. To hang in the balance ; To remain undecided

15. To hit the nail on the head; To do the right thing at the right time

16. To hold water ; To sound logical

17. To live no stone unturned ; To try one’s level best

18. To live from hand to mouth ; To live with great difficulty

19. To make up one’s mind ; To decide

20. To see eye to eye with ; Agree

21. To play ducks and drakes ; Waste

22. To put the cart before the hors ; To do a thing in a wrong way

23. To have too many irons in the fire ; To have too many things in hand

24. To read b/w the lines ; To try to understand the hidden meaning

25. To turn over a new leaf ; To change for the better

26. To take the bull by horns; To face difficulties boldly

27. To win laurels ; To distinguish oneself

28. At daggers drawn ; At enmity or fighting 

29. Blake and white ; Written

30. By leaps and bounds ; Very fast

31. In cold blood ; deliberately

32. Laid up with ; Confined to bed

33. Ins and outs ; Full details

34. A black sheep ; Scoundrel; a bad person

35. A cock and bull story ; An absurd tale

36. A gala day ; A day of festivity; a holiday with rejoicing

37. A hard nut to crack ; A difficult person or problem to deal with

38. A turn coat ; One who changes one’s opinion or party

39. A fool’s paradise ; In a state of happiness founded on vain hopes

40. Beat a retreat ; To retire before the enemy

41. To be on the horns of a dilemma; To have a choice b/w two equal evils

42. To beat about the bush ; Approach a subject in a round about method

43. Bury the hatchet ; To make peace

44. By fits and starts ; Irregularly

45. Capital punishment ; Death sentence

46. By hook or by crook ; By fair or foul means

47. Eat humble pie ; To face humiliation

48. Hit below the belt ; To act unfairly

49. In apple pie order ; In perfect order

50. Leave one in lurch ; To desert in difficulty

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