
Sample Paper for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, OTS, ETC, NEET and one paper test.

Sample Paper for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, OTS, ETC, NEET and one paper test.

ANALOGY    ( select the correct option)

Tree : Bough               (Rose-Jasmine)            (Body-Arm)                 (Oak-flower)

                        Select appropriate option

He (looked – saw -seen) at my exam paper.

Please (Abstain-Refrain) from smoking.

Please (open – Untie - Tie) the knot.

Put appropriate preposition

Write antonym of truth_________

I am agree ______ your ideas. (at-to-from-with-on)

He is suffering ______ fever. (at-to-from--on)

                                    Match the column

Eradicate                                                         Rival

Rear                                                                Lazy

Idle                                                                  back

Chaos                                                              Eliminate

Foe                                                                  disorder

Atheist                                                             non believer

                                    Choose the correct form of Verb

He _____  food.                                  (Eat – eaten – eats)

I am ______ a song.                           (Sing - sings - singing)

She has _____ the questions.             (Solved - solve - solves)

Put Article      He is________M.A.

He is __________ honest man.

That is ______Country.

 ______ Holy Quran is our religious book.


Largest ocean is pacific while largest sea is             (Baltic-Arctic- south china)

Largest Island is Green land; largest peninsula is      (Afghanistan- Saudi Arabia – Deccan-cape,cod)

Largest Muslim country area wise                             (Malaysia – Kazakhstan-Maldives)

Smallest planet in solar system                                  (mercury – Jupiter – Neptune)

Religion with highest followers                                  (Islam – Hinduism – Secular – Christianity)

Most speaking language in the world                                    (Urdu – Hindi – English – Mandarin)

Who invented zero (0).                                               (Al-Khwarizmi – Al-barony – Pythagoras)

Urdu is the name of which language                         (Urdu – Turkey – Persian)     


Tayyab urduan is the president of                              (Iran – Turkey – Afghanistan)

Synonym of postpone                                                  ( cancel           adjourn            mail     tablet)

Total days in an Islamic Year                                      (365 – 366 -360- 355)

Largest river is Amazon, Longest river is                   (Congo – Indus – Nile)

Who is the third Governor General of Pakistan         (Quaid-e Azam – Nazim ud din-   Ghulam Muhammad)

If soldier is to COAS, constable is to                           __________________

Odd one out                                                                (Star    Moon   Sky       Earth)

Annulment of Bengal____________                          (1905   1906    19011  1913)

2, 4, 7, 11, 16, __________series                               (20       21        22        23)

SAARC was founded in                                                (1979   1969    1985    1945)

Treaty of hudabiya  signed in                                     (2ah     3ah      6ah      9ah)

Zabur the Holy book revealed on A.S                         (Moses                        Christ   David   Noah)

Normal temperature of Human body                        (98.6 c             36.9f    98.6f)

Caliphate movement                                                  (1929   1906    1919    1913)

Kashmir day is celebrated on                                     (1 may             5 Feb   15 Aug)

Quaid e azam presented 14 points in                         (1929   1906    1919    1913)

AIML was founded in                                                  (1929   1906    1919    1913)

What is the capital of Bhutan                                     (Dhaka             Katmandu        thimphu)

What is the currency of turkey                                   (dollar riyal     dirham                        lira)

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