
Chemistry Mcqs solved for Educator Test NTS

CHEMISTRY Mcqs solved
1.                   The branch of chemistry which deals with radio activity , nuclear processes and properties is called
1.  Industrial chemistry                  2. Bio chemistry                3. Nuclear chemistry                      4. Analytical chemistry
2.                   Silicon forms ………… per cent of earth crust                          1.  8 %       2.  47%        3.   28%        4.    78%
3.                   Elements are represented by …..
1. Formulas        2. Signs     3.  Symbols    4. Abbreviation
4.                   The symbol of thiosulphate is …………
1.  SO4-2     2.   SO3-2      3.  S2O3-2      4.  SO4-3
5.                   The chemical formula of lime stone is
1. CaO     2. CaCO3    3. C12H22O11     4. SiO2
6.                   Atomic mass unit is abbreviated as
1.  AMU   2. A­mu   3. aMu   4.  Amu
7.                   The empirical formula of benzene is
1.  HC      2.   CO    3. CH     4.  OH
8.                   Atom having positive charge is called
1. Canion    2. Anion  3. Cation   4. Ion
9.                   When a molecule losses or gains an electron it forms a ………….
1. Anion   2. Cation   3.  Ion      4. Moleculer ion
10.                 Avagodro’s  number is
1.  6.62* 1023   2.  6.00*1023   3. 6.02*1023    4. 6.02*1024
11.                Proton was discovered by
1. Goldstein
2. Thomas
3. Daniel
4. Emil
12.                Except electrons all other fundamental particles that lie within the  nucleus
1. Nucleolus
2. Neutrons
3. Nucleons
4. Protons
13.                Shell N has sub shells
1.  One     2.  Two    3. Three   4.  Four
14.                Beryllium has electronic configuration
1.  1s1   2. 1s2,2s2,2p1     3.  1s2,2s1      4.  2s2,2p4
15.                The hydrogen third isotop is
1. Tritium   2. Protium   3. Deuterium   4. Alluminium
16.                To determine the age of carbon containing products the radio activity of ……….. isotop is measured
1. C12
2. C13
3. C14
4. C15
17.                Nutron was discovered in ……………
1.  1931      2. 1932      3. 1933     4. 1934
18.               Relationship between atomic masses of several groups of three elements
1.  Tetrad
2. Triad
3. Bivalent
4. Pentavalent
19.                The electronic configuration of boron family  is
1.  ns1
2. ns2
3. ns2 np1
4. ns3 np4
20.                Br35 has electro negativity
1.  4.0      2.   3.2      3.  3.0     4.  2.7
21.               Attaining eight electrons in the valence shell is called
1. Triad rule    2. Tetrad rule   3.  Duplet rule   4.  Octet rule
22.                The bond form due to mutual sharing of electrons
1. Ionic bond    2. Covalent bond    3.  Bond    4. Electronic bond
23.                The energy required to break the bond between hydrogen and chlorine  in hydrogen chloride is
1.  410kJ       2.  420kJ      3. 430kJ      4. 440kJ
24.                One pascal is equal to
1. 1Nm-2     2.  N-2    3.  NM-2    4.  Nm-3
25.                All inter molecular forces collectively called
1. Dipole-dipole   2. Hydrogen bonding   3. Van der waals   4. Ionic bonding
26.                ………… configuration is stable one
1. Metallic    2. Noble gas    3. Ionic   4. Electronic
27.                Identify the compound which is not soluble in water
1. NaCl    2.  C6H6   3. KBr   4. MgCl2
28.                The product of pressure and volume of a fixed mass of gas is constant at a constant temperature
1. Pascal’s law     2. Newton’s law   3. Boyle’s law    4. Charles’s law
29.                Diethyl ether has freezing point
1. -115C       2.   -116C      3.  -113C     4.  -114C
30.                The existence of an element in more than one form in same physical state
1. Electro plating     2. Galvanization     3. Allotropy       4. Sympatery
31.               Solids are classified as crystalline and
1. Metals    2. Amorphous    3. Allotropic   4. Vapours
32.                Metal alloys like  ( brass , bronze ) has both elements …………
1. Solids    2. Liquids   3. Gas    4. Vapors
33.                Molarity is represented by …….
1. M     2. m      3. Mol    4.  Mole
34.                CuSo4  stands for
  1. Calcium sulphate      2. Carbon sulphate    
3. Crommium sulphate   4. Copper sulphate
35.                Particles of colloids are big enough to scatter the beam  of light called
1.  Tyndall effect     2. Green house effect 
3. Vander wall effect    4.  Charles effect
36.                Loss of electron is called
1. Oxidation    2. Reduction    3.  respiration     4. Redox reaction
37.                In neutral molecule the algebric sum of the oxidation number of all elements is
1.    1.0   
2.   0
3.  0.01 
4. 0.001
38.                 Substances  which can conduct electricity in their aqueous solutions called
1. Non electrolytes
2. Electrolytes
3. Strong electrolytes
4. Week electrolytes
39.                A galvanic cell consists  of ………… cells
1. Two    2.   Three     3.  One    4. Four
40.                When NaCl disassociates, Na has  ……….. charge
 1.  Positive     2.  Negative   3.  Neutral    4. Two
41.                 2Cl-(l)  gives us on oxidation
1. Cl2(g)  + 2e-
2.  2Cl2(g)   + 2e+
3. Cl3(g) + 2e-
4. 2Cl2(g) + 3e-
42.                Depositing one  metal over other called
1. Allotropy      2.  Distillation    3. Sublimation    4. Electroplating
43.                 ‘’ K ‘’ has  ………… atom number    
1.  18         2. 19         3.   22         4.   11
44.                 Silver is lustrous metal      
1.   Grey       2.  White       3. Golden     4. Brown  
45.                Gold is a yellow soft    ………….
1. Alloy   2. Solid    3. Metal     4. Crystal
46.                The ionic size of calcium is 
1.   186,102 pm
2.  160,72 pm 
3.  197,99 pm
4. 170,81 pm
47.                The property of metals to lose their valance electrons called
1. Electro negativity      2. Electro positivity
3. Allotropy      4. Ionization
48.                 The element in a group 2 are called
1. Alkali     2. Metal      3. Alkaline  earth     4. Alloy
49.                 Alkali metal do not react with ………… directly
1. Hydrogen     2. Carbon     3.calcium     4. Nitrogen
50 The ionization energy of magnesium is 
1.  496    Kj/mol
2. 738, 1450   Kj/mol
3. 590,1145 Kj/mol  
4. 650,839  Kj/mol

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