
Bio Mcqs for NTS Test Educator

Bio Mcqs for NTS Test Educator
1.                  The study  of insects is called ………..
   . Parasitology   2. Anomology   3.entomology    4. Histology
2.                  Scientific knowledge is the common heritage of mankind , is saying of
   1. Abdul kasim   2. Dr abdus salam   3. Ibn ul haisam   4. Al beruni
3.                  ………. Is the area of environment in which organism lives
   1. Sanctuary   2. Game reserve  3. Wetland   4. Habitat
4.                  The scientific name of  mustard plant is ……….
  1. Rana Tigrina  2. Homo sapiens   3. Brassica compestris  4. Catla catla
5.                  Similar cells organize in a group called ………..
 1. Organ  2. Organ system  3. Organism  4. Tissue
6.                  ……….. is the cause of malaria
 1. Plasmodium   2. Mosquito    3. Lice   4. Animalcules
7.                  ……… refers to computational and statistical techniques for analysis of biological data
 1. Bio chemistry   2. Bio statistics     3. Bio informatics    4. Bio mathematics
8.                  ………… mean to join two equal ratios by the sign of ‘’ = ‘’
1. Sum    2. Proportion  3. Multiplication    4. Subtraction 
9.                  …………. Is the uniform or constant fact of nature  
1. Deduction   2. Experiment   3. Hypothesis   4. Scientific law 
10.              Female mosquitoes need the blood of ………. And ………. For maturation of their eggs 
 1. Aves and mammals   2.  Mammals and birds    3. Pieces and reptiles   4. Amphibians and birds
11.              Diversity mean ………..   within a species or among species 
1. Evolution   2. Resemblance    3. Variety     4. Affinity
12.              Diversity of plants is called    ………….
1. Fauna    2.  Flora   3. Micro flora  4. Macro flora
13.              The branch which deals with the ………… of animals known as taxonomy
1. Classification   2. Evolution    3.   Resemblances   4.  Differences 
14.              A group in which organisms are classified ………..
1. Taxon    2. Prion      3. Genus      4. Kingdom
15.              ………….. are composed of circular RNA only
 1. Prions    2. Virus   3. Viroids   4. Fungi
16.              ……… is the measure of clarity of an image
 1. Magnification    2. Resolution     3. Micrograph    4. Microscopy
17.              The use of microscope is called
 1.periscopy    2. Kleidoscopy   3.electroscopy  4. Microscopy
18.               Pores in the cell walls  of adjacent cells called
1. Primary pores   2. Secondary pores   3. Plasmodesmata  4. Nucleopores
19.              Cell’s power house is
1. Ribosomes   2. Chloroplasts     3.  Mitochondria  4. Nucleus
20.              Cell’s protein factory is
 Nucleus   2. Chloroplasts   3. Ribosomes    4. Mitochondria
21.              Typically interphase lasts for atleast ………. Of total time required for cell cycle
1. 80%     2. 90%      3. 70%       4. 60%
22.              Division of cytoplasm is called
1. karyokinesis     2.  Nucleokinesis   3.  Plasmokinesis   4. Cytokinesis
23.              …………. Is the reversal of prophase
1. Anaphase   2. Metaphase  3.telophase   4. Prophase-1
24.              Tumors remain in their original position called …………… tumors
1. Malignant   2. Metastatic    3. Benign   4. Cancerous

25.              ‘’ haploid ‘’ denoted by …………..
1. 2n          2. 3n             3. n          4. 4n

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