
NTS Paper for Educators SESE English

1: Who was the first to use blank verse?
A) Thomas Wyatt   b) Henry war of surrey
c) Sir Thomas more   d) none of these
2: Pinpoint the main historical event of 14th century?
A)              Black death 
B) Hundred year war with France
C)  Resent revolt 
 D) All of above
3: Chaucer’s age was marked with
A)              Corruption in the church
B)               Decline of fedal system
C)               Rise of national consciousness
D)              All of above 
4: Point of the notable contemporary of Chaucer
A)              Gower 
B)                Wycliffe
C)               Langland
D)              All of above
 5: The Black Death that ravaged England during 1348-49 was?
A)              Influenza
B)               Plague
C)               Small pox
D)              Orthodox church
6:    Chaucer’s work can be divided into
A)              French, Italian, English
B)               French , Spanish, English
C)               Spanish , Latin, English
D)              All of above
7:     Chaucer started its literacy career under
a)               Spanish
b)               French
c)                Latin
d)               English
8: one is not the feature of the poetry of Chaucer
A)              Music and image
B)               Love of nature
C)               Humor and realism
D)              Sarcasm
9:   how many pilgrims were along Chaucer in the prologue to Canterbury tales?
a)               29     b) 30      c)  31      d) 36
10:  In the prologue the poet was lying in
A)              Tabard inn           B) Tabard tavem   
B)               in poor hostelry  D) none of above
11: What was suggested by the poet to tell two stories on the way and how many
On the way back? 
A)              One   b) two  c) three  d) four
12: what are attributes that declare Chaucer as father of English novel?
a)               Realism   b) dramatic art  
c) His narrative techniques d) all of these
13: The Romance of rose is?
a)               Original attempt by Chaucer
b)               Translation of Spanish  word
c)                English romances were complied in English
d)                none of above
14: The house of frame, the parliament of fowls & Troilus and Criseyde speak?
a)               Romance influence
b)               French  influence on Chaucer
c)                Italian influence on Chaucer
d)               None of above
15: The legend of good women is remarkable poem shows Chaucer’s mastery over?
a)               Heroic couplet   b) irregular rhymes
       c)  Mock epic             d) epic style
16: Chaucer’s knight and Young Square speak
       A)  Chivalry     b) courtesy c) dignity   d) honor
17: Who introduced sonnet into English poetry
a)               Thomas Wyatt      b) surrey
c)    Chaucer                d) Langland
18: Tootle’s Miscellany is the
a)                Book of verses
b)               First printed anthology of English lyrics
c)                Books of surrey and Wyatt
d)                All of above
  19: Factors responsible for renaissance are
a)               Humanism       b) invention of printing
c)      Both a & b     d) none of above  
 20: on the morning of Christ’s nativity, Illpenserso and combos
 Have been writing by 
a)  Spenser       b) Milton   c) Langland          d) none of these
21: To justify ways of God to man was chief aim of writing
a)  Lycidas               b) Tottle’s Miscellany
c)  Paradise lost    d) none of these
22: Coleridge once said Milton is in every line of paradise lost’ what does it mean?
a) Milton is an enthusiastic             b) Milton is puritan
c)  The poem is autobiographical   d) all of these
23: The second speech of Satan in the paradise cost is addressed to
a) Fallen angels   b) Beelzebub   c) to almighty   d) all of these
24:  For paradise lost Milton choose
a)  Heroic couplet     b) blank verse
c) Sonnet                   d) none of these
25: Milton style is called?
a)  Affected style    b) Mellifluous
c) Grand style        d) none of above
26: In Milton poetry there is frequent use of
a) Roman word         b) French
c) Latin word             d) none of these
27: A nice fusion of renaissance & reformation is located in the poetry of?
a) Chaucer   b) Langland    c) Milton   d) Henry  
28: Paradise regained is completely dominated?
a) Humanism b) Puritanism c) Satanism d) renaissance
29: Milton’s Lucida by theme is
a) Elegy      b) ode     c) sonnet    d) France

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