
Physics Mcqs

Question: 163   The dimensions of volume are

1.    M0L2 T 0

2.    M0 L3 T-1

3.    M 0 L 3 T 0

4.    M1 L 3 T1

Question: 172   The dimensional formula ML2 T-2 represents

1.    the moment of a force

2.    acceleration

3.    force

4.    momentum

Question: 173   Which of the following pairs of physical quantities have the same dimensions?

1.    momentum and impulse

2.    energy and surface energy

3.    momentum and angular momentum

4.    force and surface tension


Question: 174   Dimensional analysis can be used in deducing the exact relationship between any number of physical quantities

1.    True

2.    False

3.    Uncertain

4.    none of these


Question: 175   The M.K.S unit of energy is

1.    Dyne/sec

2.    Joule

3.    erg

4.    none of these


Question: 176   In S.I. system Pascal is a unit of

1.    surface tension

2.    surface energy

3.    Viscosity

4.    velocity


Question: 177   In the Bernoullie's theory the term 1/2 pv2 and pgx process the same unit as of

1.    pressure

2.    force

3.    impulse

4.    strain


Question: 178   Watt-sec is a unit of

1.    momentum

2.    force

3.    energy

4.    power


Question: 180   The unit of current density is

1.    ampere metre2

2.    ampere/metre

3.    weber/metre2

4.    ampere/metre2


Question: 181   One pascal in SI is equal to

1.    one newton metre

2.    one newton metre-1

3.    one newton metre-2

4.    one dyne cm2


Question: 182   One big advantage of the atomic standards of length and time is that

1.    they are of human size

2.    they can be measured with simple equipment

3.    they are natural units

4.    they can be duplicated anywhere

Question: 181   One pascal in SI is equal to

1.    one newton metre

2.    one newton metre-1

3.    one newton metre-2

4.    one dyne cm2


Question: 182   One big advantage of the atomic standards of length and time is that

1.    they are of human size

2.    they can be measured with simple equipment

3.    they are natural units

4.    they can be duplicated anywhere


Question: 183   The correct unit of power is

1.    Kilowatt

2.    Dynes

3.    joule

4.    Kilowatt-hour


Question: 184   One Fermi is equal to (in SI)

1.    10-12 farad

2.    10-6 Henry

3.    10 -12 metre

4.    10 -12 Angstrom


Question: 186   Out of the followings which is not a characteristic of the fundamental units?

1.    they are well defined

2.    they are easily reproductive

3.    they are not related to each other

4.    they do not change with change of conditions as temperature, state of motion, pressure etc.


Question: 187   In S.I System, the correct unit of pressure is

1.    Atmosphere

2.    Pascal

3.    Dynes per square cm

4.    mm of mercury


Question: 188   Choose the physical quantity which is not defined in terms of force per unit area

1.    pressure

2.    stress

3.    strain

4.    young's modulus


Question: 189   A pressure of 106 dynes/cm2 in C.G.S. is equivalent to ... in M.K.S.

1.    105 N/m2

2.    104 N/m2

3.    106 N/m2

4.    103 N/m2


Question: 190   Given the density of wood is 0.5 gm per c.c. in the C.G.S. system of units. Its value in MKS units is given by

1.    500

2.    50

3.    0.5

4.    5,000


Question: 191   Which of the following is dimensionally correct?

1.    Pressure = Energy per unit area

2.    Pressure = Energy per unit volume

3.    Pressure = Force per unit volume

4.    Pressure = momentum per unit volume per unit time


Question: 192   Which of the following pairs of physical quantities have identical dimensions?

1.    Moment of a force and Angular Momentum

2.    work and Energy

3.    Torque and Energy

4.    None of these


Question: 193   The quantity e 2/hc , where 'e' is the electronic charge 'h' is the Planck's constant and 'c' is the velocity of light

1.    has the dimension of mass

2.    has the dimension of length

3.    has the dimension of time

4.    is dimensionless

Question: 195   If the velocity of light c, the constant of gravitation G and Planck's constant have chosen as fundamental units , the dimensions of length in the new system is

1.    C -13/2 G 1/2 h

2.    C -1/2 G -1/2 h

3.    C -5/2 h

4.    none of these


Question: 196   State the physical quantity represented by L 2 T2 0-1 where 0 is represents the unit temperature

1.    Thermal capacity of the body

2.    Thermal conductivity

3.    Specific thermal capacity

4.    specific latent heat of vaporization


Question: 197   Correct unit of capacitance in SI system is

1.    nf

2.    pf

3.    f

4.    uf


Question: 198   The correct unit of inductance in SI system is

1.    lx

2.    lm

3.    H

4.    wb


Question: 199   The correct unit of magnetic flux in SI system is

1.    Lumen

2.    Tesla(T)

3.    Henry(H)

4.    Weber(wb)


Question: 200   The correct unit of illuinance in SI system is

1.    Lumen

2.    Candela

3.    lux

4.    weber


Question: 201   In SI system the unit of specific heat capacity is

1.    gm cm2 Sec-1

2.    J.kg-1 .K -1

3.    W.m-1 K-1

4.    W.sr -1


Question: 202   In SI system the correct unit of mass is

1.    Ton

2.    kg

3.    g

4.    mg


Question: 203   In SI system the correct unit of luminous intensity is

1.    Kelvin

2.    Lumen

3.    Lux

4.    Candela


Question: 204   In SI system the correct unit of amount of substance is

1.    Litre

2.    Mole

3.    Millilitre

4.    Gram

Question: 223   The correct unit of electric current in SI system is

1.    Ampere

2.    Ampere/sec

3.    Coulomb/sec

4.    Coulomb/meter


Question: 224   The correct unit of Kinematic viscosity in SI system is

1.    rad.s-2

2.    m2.s-1

3.    g.s-2

4.    N.sm-2


Question: 225   The correct unit of dynamic Viscosity in SI system is

1.    rad.s-2

2.    gs-2

3.    N.sm-2

4.    m2 .s-1
5.     Answer key

163 . C       172 . A       173 . A       174 . A       175 . B       176 . C       177 . A       178 . B       180 . D       181 . C       182 . D    181 . C       182 . D       183 . A       184 . A       186 . C       187 . B       188 . C       189 . A       190 . A       191 . B       192 . B195 . C       196 . D       197 . C       198 . C       199 . D       200 . C       201 . B       202 . B       203 . D       204 . B          
223 . A       224 . B       225 . C     

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