
math for science educators

·        A complete rotation has degree,    (90,     180,    270,    360)
·        X+5= 10   is =                                     (5,        10,       15,       20)
·        { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,--------}  set is               (w,       P,         O,        N)
·        { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11,-----}     set is :            (whole,           prime,             odd)
·        {   }  is  a/an                                        (empty set     sub set,           super set)
·        Ø         is   a/ an                                 (empty set     sub set,           super set)
·        a2-b2 = ?         
·        in2θ + Cos2 θ=                                     (Sin,     Cot,     I,          Tan θ)
·              81=                                                (81,     3,         9,         16)
·        If in right angle triangle, c2 = a2+ b2 then C is =    perpendicular,  hypotenuse,      altitude,    base
·        The surface of a sphere of radius I CM is                               (3 π,     2 π,      π,         4 π)


·        Supplementary angles are equal to ?                     ( 900,   1800,   2700,   3600)
·        Formula to find the aria of curved surface of cylinder is ?
§  (2 π r2, πr2,      4 πr2,   2 πr)
·        X+5 = 1           is a                  (open sentence,         true sentence,           false sentence)
·        100+3 = 30+ 100 is an ____addition property?
·        ( closure,        associative,    commutative)
·        4x-3y=12 is                                        (4x-6y=24),     (8x-6y=24)      (8x+6y=24)
·          x-5 = ?                                                  ( x5,      5/x,     1/x5)
·        if x < y then which statement is true?        (y),       1/x < 1/y),      (-x<-y),            (-x>-y)
·        x0/yo =                                                             ( y/x),  (1x),     (-y/x),  (1)

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