
Important questions for computer or I. T test for PPSC, NTS, ITS and other one paper tests.

Important questions for computer or I. T test for PPSC, NTS, ITS and other one paper tests.

1. The length of IP address is? Ans. 32 bits

2. Facebook was launched in? Ans. 2004

3. The docx file contains? Ans: MS Office Word

4. The file extension DLL stands for? Ans. Dynamic Link Library

5. The extension of a MS Access Database is? Ans. mdb.

6. The key combination used to permanently delete a file from Windows computer? Ans. Shift + delete

7. Shortcut Key to open a new document is? Ans. Ctrl + N

8. Data is permanently stored in? Ans. Hard Disk

9. What are the steps to upgrade a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version of Windows? Ans. It cannot be upgraded

10. To change a lowercase letter to uppercase and uppercase letter to lowercase select? Ans. Sentence Case

11. CSS stands for: Ans. Cascading Style Sheets

12. The general format of the URL is as follows: Ans. type: // Address /path /

13. The computer abbreviation “OS” stands for: Ans. Operating System

14. The shortcut key to delete a file without sending to recycle Bin is: Ans. Shift + Del

15. How many versions of Windows 8 for PC have been released? Ans. 3 versions

16. A group of 8 bits is called: Ans. Byte

17. To subscript a text, shortcut key is: Ans. Ctrl + <

18. The file extension .jsp stands for: Ans. Java Server Page

19. What is the full form of WWW? Ans. World Wide Web

20. The microphone converts the sound into: Ans. Electrical Signals

21. A device which connects multiple nodes to the network is: Ans. A hub

22. Windows 7 was released in which year?

23. What is Windows XP? Ans. An operating system

24. ATM stands for: Ans. Automated Teller Machine

25. Which one of these is used to find information on World Wide Web? Ans. Search Engine

26. “.gif” is an extension of which type of file? Ans. Image

27. Who is the founder of IBM Company? Ans. Thomas J. Watson

28. Volatile Memory is: Ans. Ram

29. When you delete an object, Windows XP sends it to: Ans. Recycle Bin

30. A folder in windows c can’t be made with the name: Ans. Con/Com1/Com2/Com3

31. Copying a software without purchasing it is _________ . Ans. Software Piracy

32. Ctrl + F2 shortcut is used for:

33. What is the use of Firewall in a computer? Ans. For security

34. What is the full form of ISO? Ans. International Standard Organization

35. A network that covers large area, city, country and World is called: Ans. WAN
36. The transfer of data from one place to another is called: Ans. Data Communication

37. Green wavy lines under text indicate? Ans. Grammatical Mistake

38. SQL is a 👎 : Ans. Structured Language

39. Windows 8 was released in which year? Ans. 2011

40. Which one is an Operating System? Ans. Windows Vista

41. A Terabyte represents about: Ans. 1 trillion bytes

42. The file extension PNG stands for: Ans. Portable Network Graphic File

43. The card which is used for internet: Ans. Modem Card

44. In Windows 10, what is the shortcut key to Open programs that are pinned to task bar? Ans. Windows + [1][2][3][…]

45. What is meaning of .mng? Ans. Multiple Network Graphic

46. Windows 7 is preceded by which version of the windows? Ans. Windows Vista

47. What is the name of new built-in browser includes in Windows 10? Ans. Super Internet Explorer Pro

48. Analog signal is measured in: Ans. Volts

49. In Windows 7, what is the shortcut key for creating a New Folder? Ans:Ctrl + Shift + N

50. What is the full form of TCP? Ans. Transmission Control Protocol

51. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) can do: Ans. Logical Operation, Mathematical Operation

52. The total number of function keys in a computer keyboard are: Ans. 12

53. A bit can be _______ . Ans. 1 or 0

54. Which of the following protocol is used to access Webpages on World Wide Web? Ans. HTTP

55. Which of the following option is not true for FORTRAN? Ans. Translation

56. A network that covers small geographic area or single or group of buildings is called: Ans. LAN

57. Which one of the following is Internet Protocol? Ans. TCP/IP

58. The upper most bar showing the name of the application is called: Ans. Title Bar

59. Which of the following is the founder of Facebook? Ans. Mark Zuckerberg

60. Shortcut for Save as command is: Ans. F12

61. By default, the bar located at the bottom of the desktop is: Ans. Taskbar

62. What is the full form of Wi-Fi? Ans. Wireless Fidelity

63. The output of the printer is known as: Ans. Hard Copy

64. Which of the following is an email client? Ans. Yahoo

65. Laser beam technology is used in one of the following: Ans. Optical Disks

66. All the files deleted from computer are stored in __________. Ans. Recycle Bin

67. What is the full form of PDF? Ans. Portable Document Format

68. The Google IPO was done in: Ans. 2004

69. Shortcut Key to center a Paragraph is: Ans. Ctrl + E

70. A Search Engine is: Ans. A website that look through databases for matching criteria

71. Windows 10 was launched in which year? Ans. 2015

72. Printer is an example of: Ans. Hardcopy

73. Who invented the Qwerty Keyboard? Ans: Christopher Latham Sho

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