
Head Master, Subject Specialist and SST important mcqs for One paper test

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Head Master, Subject Specialist and SST Mcqs for One paper test
1. The word “Pedagogy” means?
(A) to understand the child
(B) to guide the child
(C) to educate the child
(D) to lead the child
2. Pedagogy is the study of?
(A) Education
(B) Learning Process
(C) Teaching Methods
(D) Guiding Students
3. The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactic was?
(A) Jean Piaget
(B) John Dewey
(C) Martin Wagenschein
(D) Lev Vygotsky
4. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called __________ in education.
(A) IT
(C) Information technology
(D) Communication technology
5. A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is called
(A) rubrics
(B) checklists
(C) inventories
(D) rating scales
6. As people grow older, the __________ of learning declines.
(A) speed
(B) power
(C) quality
(D) quantity
7. Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behavior?
(A) Praise
(B) Reward
(C) Ignorance
(D) Strictness
8. Which from the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behavior?
(A) Praise
(B) Reward
(C) Ignorance
(D) Strictness
9. The book Emile or “On Education” on the nature of education and man is written by
(A) Aristotle
(B) Plato
(C) John Dewey
(D) Rousseau
10. According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an
(A) good citizen
(B) reasoning man
(C) thinker
(D) entrepreneur
11. Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students
(A) don’t know
(B) already know
(C) willing to know
(D) not willing to know
12. According to John Dewey, school is a __________ institution, and education is a __________ process.
(A) social, social
(B) social, philosophical
(C) philosophical, philosophical
(D) environmental, psychological
13. According to John Dewey, schools must prepare students for
(A) present life
(B) future life
(C) entrepreneurship
(D) research
14. Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become __________ to occur again in that situation.
(A) not likely
(B) equally likely
(C) less likely
(D) more likely
15. Responses that produce a discomforting effect become __________ to occur again in that situation.
(A) not likely
(B) equally likely
(C) less likely
(D) more likely
16. According to Rousseau, at what age a person ready to have a companion of the opposite sex?
(A) 16
(B) 17
(C) 18
(D) 19
17. The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called
(A) Education
(B) Pedagogy
(C) Cognitive Development
(D) Epistemology
18. Jean Piaget proposed __________ stages of Cognitive Development.
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
19. The more often a particular ability is used the __________ it becomes.
(A) more important
(B) less important
(C) stronger
(D) weaker
19. The longer a particular ability is unused the __________ it becomes.
(A) more important
(B) less important
(C) stronger
(D) weaker
21. The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to __________ information.
(A) use (B) miss (C) misuse
(D) retain
22. The conclusion of a deductive argument is
(A) certain
(B) experience
(C) observation
(D) probable
23. The truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument is
(A) certain
(B) experience
(C) observation
(D) probable
24. The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called
(A) Deductive Reasoning
(B) Inductive Reasoning
(C) Qualitative Reasoning
(D) Quantitative Reasoning
25. The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called
(A) Deductive Reasoning
(B) Inductive Reasoning
(C) Qualitative Reasoning
(D) Quantitative Reasoning

26. According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill during
(A) Sensorimotor stage
(B) Preoperational stage
(C) Concrete operational stage
(D) Formal operational stage
27. Children are usually egocentric during __________ and __________ stages.
(A) Sensorimotor, Preoperational
(B) Preoperational, Concrete operational
(C) Concrete operational, Formal operational
(D) Formal operational, Sensorimotor
28. According to Jean Piaget, children are no longer egocentric when entering
(A) Sensorimotor stage
(B) Preoperational stage
(C) Concrete operational stage
(D) Formal operational stage
29. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Concrete operational stage starts at age
(A) 3
(B) 7
(C) 11
(D) 15
30. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the Formal operational stage starts at age
(A) 3
(B) 7
(C) 11
(D) 15
31. The most recent response is most likely to
(A) forget
(B) compromised
(C) reoccur
(D) not occur again
32. Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from
(A) school
(B) burden
(C) past memory
(D) society
33. Who advocated removing children from their mothers’ care and raising them as wards of the state?
(A) Socrates
(B) Plato
(C) Aristotle
(D) John Locke
34. The famous book “The Republic” was written by
(A) Socrates
(B) Plato
(C) Aristotle
(D) John Locke
35. “All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” This is the saying of
(A) Aristotle
(B) Socrates
(C) Plato
(D) John Locke
36. The Waldorf education approach emphasizes a balanced development of
(A) head and heart
(B) head and hands
(C) heart and hands
(D) head, heart, and hands
37. Plato believed that talent and intelligence are
(A) distributed genetically
(B) not distributed genetically
(C) distributed gender-wise
(D) not distributed gender-wise
38. A priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of
(A) analysis
(B) information
(C) experience
(D) evidence
39. A posteriori knowledge is knowledge that is known by
(A) analysis
(B) information
(C) experience
(D) evidence
40. According to John Locke, a child’s mind does not contain any
(A) innate ideas
(B) memory
(C) observation
(D) imagination
41. The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was
(A) Socrates
(B) Plato
(C) Aristotle
(D) John Locke
42. The process of selecting units from a population to estimate characteristics of the population is called
(A) analyzing
(B) inference
(C) research
(D) sampling
43. We calculate average marks of a student in the way as we calculate
(A) arithmetic mean (B) geometric mean
(C) standard deviation
(D) variance
44. The __________ is a measure of how spreads out points are from the mean.
(A) arithmetic mean
(B) geometric mean
(C) standard deviation
(D) variance
45. The standard deviation is the __________ of the variance.
(A) square
(B) square root
(C) cube
(D) cube root
46. The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says that education should be about
(A) obedience
(B) virtue
(C) life and growth
(D) shaping good citizens
47. The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the
(A) practice
(B) society
(C) abstract knowledge
(D) real world
48. An aspect of pragmatism is experiential learning, which says, education should come through
(A) experience
(B) practice
(C) knowledge
(D) observations
49. According to Aristotle, virtue is a/an __________ state between excess and deficiency.
(A) natural
(B) intermediate
(C) real
(D) artificial
50. In case of spending money, the virtue is __________ between wastefulness and stringiness.
(A) generosity
(B) penury
(C) lavishness
(D) prodigal
51. The concept of perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is
(A) important
(B) everlasting
(C) in demand
(D) in need
52. According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to make them better citizens.
(A) rules
(B) discipline
(C) democracy
(D) practical implementation
53. Progressivism believes that education comes from the experience of the
(A) child
(B) teacher
(C) principal
(D) society
54. The idea of teaching the whole child in the “philosophy of pragmatism in education” means teaching students to be good
(A) learners
(B) thinkers
(C) scientists
(D) citizens
55. Progressivism believes that children learn in a/an
(A) community
(B) competition
(C) isolation
(D) closed environment
56. A normal human being has __________ senses.
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
57. Which from the following is NOT among the five senses?
(A) vision
(B) touch
(C) smell
(D) thought
58. The application of ideas, knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results is called
(A) problem solving
(B) critical thinking
(C) reasoned arguments
(D) deductive method
59. According to Socrates of Meno, virtue is
(A) teachable
(B) unteachable
(C) reachable
(D) unreachable
60. The curriculum of educational institutes should be based on
(A) theory
(B) practice
(C) theory and practice
(D) theory, practice and research
61. The new curriculum should be introduced
(A) abruptly
(B) continuously
(C) gradually
(D) relatively
62. Evaluation of the process of curriculum development should be made
(A) abruptly
(B) continuously
(C) gradually
(D) relatively
63. Curriculum revision should be a/an __________ process.
(A) abrupt
(B) continuous
(C) gradual
(D) relative
64. The term heuristic means __________ in decision making.
(A) brain storming
(B) calculations
(C) thoroughness
(D) mental shortcuts
65. Robert Sternberg, a famous psychologist, argued that creativity requires __________ different types of intelligence.
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
66. According to Robert Sternberg, the three different types of required intelligence for creativity are
(A) synthetic, analytical, and practical
(B) analytical, observational and practical
(C) analytical, critical and practical
(D) abstract, synthetic and analytical
67. A common technique to help people begin the creative process is
(A) calculations
(B) brain storming
(C) thoroughness
(D) mental shortcuts
68. According to Plato, the highest goal in all of education is knowledge of the
(A) science
(B) mathematics
(C) philosophy
(D) good
69. Plato argued that __________ are fit to rule.
(A) educationists and philosophers
(B) only educationists
(C) only philosophers
(D) only psychologists
70. The book “A Brief History of Time” is written by
(A) Aristotle
(B) John Dewey
(C) Robert Sternberg
(D) Stephen Hawking
71. The branch of philosophy focuses on the nature of reality is
(A) Connectionism
(B) Epistemology
(C) Metaphysics
(D) Pedagogy
72. Idealism is a philosophical approach that argues that __________are the only true reality, and the only thing worth knowing.
(A) ideas
(B) experiences
(C) observations
(D) physical objects
73. Realism is a philosophical approach that argues that ultimate reality is the world of
(A) ideas
(B) experiences
(C) observations
(D) physical objects
74. Who is called the father of both Realism and the scientific method?
(A) Aristotle
(B) Plato
(C) Socrates
(D) Edward Thorndike
75. The philosopher who is called the father of Idealism is
(A) Aristotle
(B) Plato
(C) Socrates
(D) Edward Thorndike
76. The philosopher who for the first time taught logic as a formal discipline was
(A) Aristotle
(B) Plato
(C) Socrates
(D) Edward Thorndike
77. The advocators of philosophy of Pragmatism believe that reality is
(A) imagination
(B) stagnant
(C) constantly changing
(D) related to mind
78. The psychologist who for the first time proposed the concept of connectionism in learning was
(A) Aristotle
(B) Plato
(C) Robert Sternberg
(D) Edward Thorndike
79. According to Edward Thorndike, learning is about responding to
(A) analysis
(B) change
(C) experiment
(D) stimuli
80. Anything that causes a reaction is called
(A) learning
(B) stimulus
(C) connectionism
(D) physical objects
81. The connection between stimulus and response is called
(A) stimulus-response bond
(B) receiving-accepting bond
(C) stimulus-response paradigm
(D) receiving-accepting paradigm
82. The __________ the stimulus-response bond (S-R bond), the better a person has learned the lesson.
(A) stable
(B) unstable
(C) stronger
(D) weaker
83. There are __________ laws of connectionism.
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
84. The three laws of connectionism are the laws of
(A) effect, stimulus and response
(B) stimulus, response and exercise
(C) exercise, readiness and response
(D) effect, exercise and readiness
85. According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a positive outcome, the S-R bond is
(A) strengthened
(B) weakened
(C) stabilized
(D) unsterilized
86. According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a negative outcome, the S-R bond is
(A) strengthened
(B) weakened
(C) stabilized
(D) unsterilized
87. According to the __________, the more you do something, the better you are at it.
(A) law of effect
(B) law of exercise
(C) law of readiness
(D) law of connectionism

88. According to the __________, S-R bonds are stronger if an individual is ready to learn.
(A) law of effect
(B) law of exercise
(C) law of readiness
(D) law of connectionism
89. The __________ says, we are motivated to gain rewards and avoid punishments.
(A) law of effect
(B) law of exercise
(C) law of readiness
(D) law of connectionism
90. The Law of Effect can be effectively used in
(A) accelerate learning
(B) curriculum development
(C) classroom management
(D) teaching methods
91. For an effective teaching, the teacher must be a subject matter expert that includes
I. command over the subject
II. the ability to convey knowledge
III. the ability to apply ideas from one discipline to another
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) I, II and III
92. The satiation technique of classroom management is a technique where instead of punishing negative behaviors, the teacher might decide to actually __________ the negative behavior.
(A) encourage
(B) discourage
(C) ignore
(D) divert
93. The extinction technique of classroom management is a technique where teacher __________ any negative behavior.
(A) divert
(B) ignore
(C) encourage
(D) discourage
94. The use of a physical punishment for class management is called
(A) extinction technique
(B) satiation technique
(C) time out technique
(D) corporal punishment
95. The technique of classroom management where the teacher punishes negative behaviors by removing an unruly student from the rest of the class is called
(A) extinction technique
(B) satiation technique
(C) time out technique
(D) corporal punishment
96. The study of the physical, social and mental aspects of aging is called
(A) Esthetics
(B) Genetics
(C) Gerontology
(D) Clinical psychology
97. As people gets older, the ability of applying or maintain attention
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) stays constant
(D) remains unaffected
98. The brain __________ as people gets older.
(A) shrinks
(B) expands
(C) stays constant
(D) remains unaffected
99. There is __________ in working memory as people gets older.
(A) upgradation
(B) degradation
(C) no change
(D) a slight change
100. According to the philosophy of Idealism in education, the subject matter of curriculum should be
(A) mathematics
(B) science
(C) physical world
(D) mind
101. In education, __________ is used to make inference about the learning and development of students.
(A) assessment
(B) evaluation
(C) measurement
(D) diagnosis
102. An assessment that is conducted prior to the start of teaching or instruction is called
(A) initial assessment
(B) formal assessment
(C) formative assessment
(D) summative assessment
103. An assessment that is carried out throught the course is called
(A) initial assessment
(B) diagnostic assessment
(C) formative assessment
(D) summative assessment
104. An assessment is __________ if it consistently achieves the same results with the same (or similar) students.
(A) Valid
(B) Invalid
(C) Reliable
(D) Unreliable
105. A/An __________ assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure.
(A) Valid (B) Invalid
 (C) Reliable 
(D) Unreliable

Compiled by:

Umar Draz Asim, M.A /M.Ed

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