
Important Questions for NTS Educator Test

Important Questions for NTS Educator Test 

Q1=   The founder of modern intelligent tests was? (Alfred Binet)
Q2=   The formula to determine I.Q was presented by? (Stern)
Q3=   I.Q of a student having same physical and mental age will be? (100)
Q4=   The I.Q of a student having twelve years mental age and tem years physical age will be? (120)
Q5=   The most commonly used guessing correction formula to predict and control? (B. S=R-W/N-1)
Q6=  Who is considered the father of guidance? (Frank Parsons)
Q7=  Who developed the first intelligence test (Binet)
Q8=  Guidance is helpful (Makes choices, Making adjustments, Solving Problems)
Q9=   Face to face relationship in which one tries to solve the problem of the other (Counseling)
Q10= The I.Q of the gifted children is (140 and above)
Q11= Which is basic (born)emotion? (Fear)
Q12= Another name of working memory is (Short Term Memory)
Q13= Perception and attention play major role in (Long Term Memory)
Q14= The mental development is closely parallel to increase in (Ability to profit from Experience)
Q15= Intelligence as presently defined is synonymous with (Scholastic aptitude)
Q16= Which is measured by in intelligence (Verbal Ability)
Q17= Intelligence Measure (Academic potential)
Q18=  RJ javed is bright , Ramzan Chheena Mankera is dull. They are now six years of age, as they grow older, the difference in their I.Q will probably (Remain relatively constant)
Q19=  I.Q is an index of (Rate of mental development) (PPSC 22 Nov 2nd Question)
Q20=  What type of health of a child is of utmost importance that an elementary school teacher should keep in mind for the growth of the child? (Physical and Mental)
Q21=  An internal state of mind of a person, which forces to do something and that is aroused as a result of some internal need of the person is called (Motivation)
Q22=  The age measured by an intelligence test is called (Mental)
Q23=  WAIS is the intelligence test for (High School Students)
Q24=  The growth and learning of a child is affected by (Heredity and Environment)
Q25=  Control is an important characteristics of method (Experimental)
Q26=  Cognitive Development deals with the development of (Child Mind)
Q27=  Identical twins identical (Development) (Intelligence) (Growth)
Q28= I.Q of 7 years old child with M.A of 8 years would be placed in I.Q distribution table as (Unconscious Mind)
Q29= Moral Development involves (What is right and wrong)
Q30= An individual who is socially mal-adjusted develops behavior (Immoral)

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