


LLB NOTES MCQS ON USA CONSTITUTION_______________________________ _____________

1. The American Declaration of Independence was issued in:

a) 1772
b) 1781
c) 1776
d) 1787
e) None of the above

2. The number of Presidents who have served for more than 8 years:

a) None
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) None of the above

3. The Vice-President of USA is elected for the term of:

a) 4 years
b) 5 years
c) 6 years
d) 2 years
e) None of the above

4. The US Senate comprises of:

a) 98 members
b) 100 members
c) 120 members
d) 102 members
e) None of the above

5. Gerald Ford was US President by the constitution doctrine of:

a) Appointment
b) Election
c) Succession
d) Heredity
e) Non of the above

6. The month and date on which declaration of independence was issued was:

a) 4th of July
b) 5th of March
c) 6th of April
d) 14th of August
e) None of the above

7. The Article of Confederation was adopted on:

a) 1st March, 1781
b) 2nd April, 1981
c) 8th July, 1788
d) 4th July, 1941
e) None of the above

8. Article of confederation was Law over total:

a) 13 States
b) 50 States
c) 51 states
d) 40 States
e) None of the above

9. The New Constitution of USA came into effect in:

a) 1777
b) 1778
c) 1779
d) 1973
e) 1787
f) 1789
g) None of the above

10. The new Constitution was ratified in:

a) 1777
b) 1778
c) 1779
d) 1973
e) 1787
f) 1789
g) None of the above

11. Total membership of House of Representative is:

a) 435
b) 440
c) 310
d) 100
e) None of the above

12. The upper house is elected for the term of:

a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 6 years
d) 8 years
e) None of the above

13. The lower House is elected for the term of:

a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 6 years
d) 8 years
e) None of the above

14. The upper House of US Congress is called:

a) Senate
b) House of Representatives
c) House of Lords
d) House of Commons
e) None of the above

15. The Lower House of the US Congress is called:

a) Senate
b) House of Representatives
c) House of Lords
d) House of Commons
e) None of the above

16. The first 10 amendments are known as:

a) Bill of Senatorial Courtesy
b) Bill of Executive
c) Bill of Legislature
d) Bill of Rights
e) None of the above

17. The Central Legislature of US is known as:

a) The Parliment
b) The Union
c) The meeting
d) The Congress
e) None of the above

18. The US at the moment is federation consisting of:

a) 13 States
b) 45 States
c) 51 States
d) 50 States
e) None of the above

19. The US was initialy formed by:

a) 10 States
b) 11 States
c) 15 States
d) 13 States
e) None of the above

20. The American revolution began in:

a) 1776
b) 1778
c) 1765
d) 1739
e) None of the above

21. The Philadephia convention was attended by delegates from:

a) 12 States
b) 13 States
c) 11 States
d) 9 States
e) None of the above

22. The American Constitution is a:

a) Understood document
b) Un-written document
c) Written document
d) Does not exist
e) None of the above

23. The American Constitution envisages the doctrine of:

a) limited government
b) limited department
c) limited public
d) limited bureaucracy

24. The first President of USA was:

a) John Adams
b) J.F. Kennedy
c) Richard Nixon
d) George Washington
e) None of the above

25. the first Vice-President of USA was:

a) John Adams
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) George Clinton
d) Richard Johnson
e) None of the above

26. 1968 Presidential election winner was:

a) Richard Nixon
b) J.F. Kennedy
c) John Tyler
d) Andrew Johnson
e) None of the above

27. Senate is the House of:

a) People
b) federating States
c) Opposition Party
d) Ruling Party
e) None of the above

28. House of Repesentatives is the house of:

a) People
b) federating States
c) Opposition Party
d) Ruling Party
e) None of the above

29. The American Congress is:

a) Uni-Cameral legislature
b) Tri-Cameral legislature
c) Bi-Cameral legislature
d) Quadruple legislature
e) None of the above

30. According to the constitution the head of the State of USA is:

a) Vice-President
b) President's Pro Tempore
c) The President
d) Secretary of State
e) None of the above

31. The American President is elected for the term of:

a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 5 years
d) 6 years
e) None of the above

32. The age of American President must at least be:

a) 25 years
b) 30 years
c) 35 years
d) 40 years
e) None of the above

33. The only Catholic President in USA was/is:

a) George Washington
b) Ronald Reagon
c) J.F. Kennedy
d) Abrahm Lincoln
e) None of the above

34. The 22nd amendment, ratified in 1951, implemented that no President can hold office for more than:

a) 2 terms
b) 3 terms
c) 1 term
d) 4 terms
e) None of the above

35. The total number of amendments made in US constitution in over 200 years is:

a) 50
b) 28
c) 27
d) 30
e) None of the above

36. The number of Presidents who resigned from the office is:

a) 1
b) 2
c) 5
d) 7
e) None

37. The American legislature consists of:

a) 2 Houses
b) 4 Houses
c) 3 Houses
d) 1 House
e) None of the above

38. The Presiding head of the Senate is:

a) The President
b) The Vice-President
c) The Speaker
d) The secretary of State
e) None of the above

39. In case the Vice-President is not available to preside over the Senate meeting, it would than be Presided over by:

a) The Governor of any State
b) Secretary of State
c) The President
d) The President's Pro-Tempore
e) None of the above

40. The President of US does not require approval from the Senate when appointing senior civil-officers, secretaries, diplomats etc:

a) True
b) False
c) President does not have power of appointment

41. President does not require Congressional approval to declare war:

a) True
b) False

42. President does not has authority to call for emergency meeting of Congress:
a) True
b) False

43. In case both President and Vice-President are dead, resgined or unable to perform their duties, than the Presidency would be handed over to:

a) Secretary of State
b) Governor of State which has majority population
c) President's Pro-Tempore
d) Secretary of Defence
e) None of the above

44. The only President to have served for more than 12 years in American history is:

a) Richard Nixon
b) Bill Clinton
c) George Washington
d) F.D. Roosevelt
e) None of the above

45. J.F. Kennedy was succeeded by his Vice-President:

a) Gerald Ford
b) Richard Nixon
c) Lyndon Johnson
d) George Bush
e) None of the above

46. President F.D.Roosevelt was succeeded by his Vice President:

a) H.S.Trumman
b) J.F. Kennedy
c) George Bush
d) D.D. Eishower
e) None of the above

47. The Commander-in-Chief of the American revolutionary army was:

a) H.S.Trumman
b) George Washington
c) John Adams
d) Thomas Jefferson
e) None of the above

48. The number of subjects upon which the US constitution has vest power over the federal government are:

a) 50
b) 11
c) 18
d) 29
e) None of the above

49. Approval or ratification of federating States in order to make amendments in the US constitution is not required:

a) True
b) False

50. The American constitution is the most Rigid constitution of the world:

a) True
b) False

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