


01. Moplah`s contribution is that

a. They took part in Khilafat Movement
b. They went to Kerala to organize anti-British movement
c. They were Arab tribes on the Malabar shores who seized ships of East India company
d. They remained involved in a guerilla warfare with the British Government

02. Arya Samaj was founded in 1875

a. To protect the interest of India
b. To revive and reform Hindusium
c. To cooperate with the British Government
d. To be a social organization working for the good of the poor

03. In the election of 1945-46

a. In NWFP, the Muslim league got majority and won the Muslim seats
b. Muslim League formed ministry in NWFP with Dr. Khan Sahib as the Chief Minister
c. In Bengal Muslim League won 89 out of 110 Muslim seats and formed ministry with H.S. Suhrawardy as Chief Minister
d. None of the above

04. For what purpose Muslim League changed its manifesto in 1913 ?

a. Became hostile towards the British
b. Demanded self-government suitable for India
c. to remain aloof from Indian politics
d. To criticise and oppose the Hindu community

05. Who seconded the Pakistan Resolution from Punjab ?

a. Nawab Muhammad Ismail
b. Dr. Muhammad Alam
c. Abdul Hameed khan
d. Syed Zakir Ali

06. The kanpur Mosque episode took place in August 1913. Its result was

a. It made the Muslims feel ignored by the Indian Government
b. The Muslims were disappointed by the Hindu Press
c. They decided to leave India and migrate to neighbouring Muslim countries
d. It created political awakening among the Indian Muslims

07. On may 28, 1920, Khilafat Committee passed a resolution in support of Non-Cooperation Movement started by Mr. Ghandhi with the result

a. It created amity between Muslims and Hindus to work together to get their grievances redressed by the Government of India
b. It could not be activated due to Hindu - Muslim differences
c. The Congress opposed the movement
d. By and large the Muslim community did not want to get Hindu support

08. Indicated the main reason for the failure of Land Reforms in Pakistan

a. Landlords got stay order from courts
b. Landlords surrendered hilly lands
c. Landlords got favour from Consolidation Wing of Board of Revenue
d. Landlords tranferred land in the name of their family members

09. The Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam was founded in 1884, with the objective

a. It was for social gathering among Muslim of Punjab
b. To help Muslims to secure Government jobs
c. To encourage non-communabal approach to provincial problems
d. To defend Islam against the onslaughts of the missionaries and to provide western education along with religious instructions

10. Ex-state of "Amb" is famous for

a. Tidal Forests
b. Natural Forests
c. Artificial Forests
d. Beta Forests

Answers :

01. A , 02. B , 03. C , 04. A , 05. B
06. D , 07. A , 08. D , 09. D , 10. B

01. Why Syed Amir Ali resigned from the Muslim league in 1913 ?
a. The Muslim league did not do sufficient work for its members
b. It criticised the Government
c. It supported the Hindu cause
d. The party had no clear cut policy

02. What is the most provision of the Simon Commission Report published in 1930 ?

a. Recommendation for the introduction of federal system of government in India
b. Dyarchy should continue
c. No reforms in the provinces
d. The importance of the majority community should be accepted

03. Indicate the highest civil award among the following

a. Sitara-e-Shujaat
b. Hilal-e-Shujaat
c. Nishan-e-Shujaat
d. Tamgha-e-Shujaat

04. The second part of the act 1935 could not be put into practise because

a. All-India Congress did not wish to join the Federal Government
b. There was state of emergency on the eve of World War II
c. There was law and order problem in India
d. The Indian princes refused to join in Federation

05. "Education Foundation" were set up in the provinces with a view to

a. Encouraging education in the rural areas
b. Encouraging private sector investment in education
c. Encouraging primary education and adult education
d. Encouraging education at all levels

06. The provincial elections under the Act of 1935 held in 1937 had the following results

a. The Muslim League won the majority of seats reserved for the community
b. By and large Muslim league failed miserable in the contest
c. The Congress had success only in a few provinces
d. A number of political parties boycotted the elections

07. Sulphur is formed at

a. Koh-e-Sultan (Chagi)
b. Kala-Chitta Range (Attock)
c. Warchha
d. Hazro (Attock)

08. Quaid-e-Azam in his presidential address of 25th session of Muslim League at Lucknow on Oct 15, 1937 gave direction about

a. Power and self-reliance for political success
b. Cooperation with majority community
c. To remain loyal to the Government
d. Muslim to keep away from politics

09. An agreement for cooperation was sighned during Turkish President Kennan Everno`s visit to pakistan in Feb 1980 in the field of

a. Defence production
b. Tourism
c. Research and Development
d. Shipping

10. Sindh Muslim League passed on of the following resolutions in 1938

a. Federalism to continue
b. Muslims to join other communities for political progress
c. Concentration on education
d. Resolved to have division of India on the basis of Two Nation Theory

Answers :

01. D , 02. A , 03. C , 04. B , 05. D
06. B , 07. A , 08. A , 09. C , 10. D

01. The Muslim League Resolution of "Divide and Quit" in 1943 was against the movement of quit India proposed in 1942 by

a. Late Mr. Gandhi
b. Pandit Nehru
c. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
d. Pant

02. The institution of Mohtasib was established by

a. Constitution of 1973
b. Presidential Order 1983
c. Article 276 oof the interim Constitution 1972
d. All of the above

03. Gandhi - Jinnah talks oof 1944 failed due to

a. Opposition by the Khaksars
b. Red Shirts
c. The Ahrar
d. Two - Nation Theory

04. Quaid-e-Azam sent 600 hundred soldiers to a Muslim country to fight for her freedom. Many of those Soldiers laid thier lives while fighting. That country preserved the tales of the bravery of those soldiers in a book titled "The Six Hundred Brave Pakistani Soldiers". They fought for

a. Libya
b. Egypt
c. Indonesia
d. Morocco

05. The Simla Conference of 1945 failed due to

a. Arrogance of the Congress leaders
b. Callousnedd by F.M. Lord Wavel the Viceroy of India
c. The derogatory approach about Muslim by the Hindu Press
d. Demand by the Quaid to have all Muslim seats to be allocated to the Muslim league

06. At the NAM Summit in Durban (1998), which issue was discussed concerning Pakistan ?

a. Child Labour
b. Environment Pollution
c. Kashmir Problem
d. Repayment of Loans

07. The rersult of the election 1945-46 showed

a. That the Unionist Party won majority of Muslim seats
b. The Jamait Ulema-i-Hind captured a few seats
c. The National Muslims got a few seats
d. The Muslim League captured all the reserved seats for the Muslims at the centre

08. Indicate the decision taken in the second SAARC Summit (Banglore) 16 Nov, 1986

a. Inflation be curbed
b. A permanent Secretariat was to be set up at Khatmandu
c. A trade agreement was signed
d. Mutual problems should be resolved by peaceful means

09. "Qissa Sohni Mahinwal" was written by

a. Hafiz Barkhurdar
b. Hashim Shah
c. Fazal Shah
d. Waris Shah

10. The interim Government was formed in 1946. Who was the Prime Minister

a. Pandit Nehru
b. F.M. Lord Wavel
c. Liaquat Ali Khan
d. None of the above


01. A , 02. B , 03. D , 04. C , 05. D
06. C , 07. D , 08. C , 09. C , 10. D

01. Pakistan attended a four-day SAARC japan-funded workshop in Sep 1999. The workshop was on

a. The role of media in preventing prostitution
b. The role of media in preventing Child Labour
c. The role of media in Drug prevention
d. The role of media in curbing terrorism

02. Sir Cyril Radcliffe announced the Boundry Commission Award on August 17, 1947. Which was biased due to whom ?

a. Lord Mountbatten
b. Pandit Nehro
c. S.V. Patel
d. Maharaja Sadul Singh of Bikaner

03. The concept of acting in aid of civil power by the armed forces has been laid down in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 vide.

a. Article 245
b. Article 270
c. Article 243
d. Article 200

04. Why Quaid-e-Azam launched Direct Action day on August 16, 1946 ?

a. To protest against breach of pledge by Viceroy FM Lord Wavell
b. To oppose the Congress policies
c. To get support from the masses for party membership
d. T curb the upsurge of the National Muslims

05. Muslim Bagh is famous for

a. Copper
b. Iron ore
c. Gypsum
d. Chromite

06. Late Mr. Ghandi renounced his formal leadership from Congress in

a. 1934
b. 1940
c. 1946
d. 1947

07. Article 25 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with

a. Rule of law
b. Equal protection of law
c. Equality of citizen
d. All of the above

08. Quaid-e-Azam resigned froom membership of Congress in

a. 1913
b. 1916
c. 1920
d. 1922

09. A former president of the dissolved Constituent Assembly had challenged the legality of the proclamation of the Governor General in

a. Asif Patel & other V. The Crown
b. Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din khan`s Case
c. Miss Asma Jilani Case
d. State V. Dosso

10. India recognised the provisional Government of Bangladesh on

a. Dec 6, 1971
b. Dec 16, 1971
c. Jan 1, 1972
d. Dec 18, 1971

Answers :

01. B , 02. A , 03. A , 04. A , 05. D
06. D , 07. C , 08. C , 09. B , 10. B

01. A former President of the dissolved Constituent Assembly had challenged the legality of the proclamation of the Governor General in

a. Asif Patel & other V. The Crown
b. Maulvi Tamiz-ud-din Khan`s Case
c. Miss Asma Jilani Case
d. State V. Dosso

02. India recognized the provisional Government of Bangladesh on

a. December 6, 1971
b. December 16, 1971
c. January 1, 1972
d. December 18, 1971

03. Under which Article of Contitution of 1973 is Governor Rule imposed in case of failure of constitutional machinery in the province ?
a. Article 234
b. Article 149
c. Article 189
d. Article 192

04. What was the main difficulty which delayed the constitution making in Pakistan ?

a. Exact nature of the State
b. Lack of intererst among members of the Constituent Assembly
c. The distribution of powers between Federal and Provincial Governments
d. Corrupt administration

05. The largest chunk of Punjab Government`s Budget (1999-2000) went to the social sector. Which field got the lion`s share ?

a. Industry
b. Health
c. Education
d. Housing and Roads

06. Governor - General Ghulam Muhammad dismissed the Prime Minister Kh. Nazimuddin on April 19, 1953 due to :

a. Prime Minister Kh. Nazimuddin proved to be incompetent to grapple with the difficulties faced by the country
b. Patronage of corruption
c. Vote of no - confidence was passed in the Consituent Assembly
d. Political tension created by partisan appeal

07. Who had the shortest tenure as Governor - General of Pakistan ?

a. Iskendar Mirza
b. Ghulam Muhammad
c. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
d. Kh. Nazimmuddin

08. Identify the importance of the Lahore Resolution of the Muslim League passed in 1940

a. It was an answer to Congress ambitions
b. It had the support of the entire Muslim Country
c. It was a compromise with the minority communities
d. It had the blessing of the British Government

09. Which country is situated in the east of Pakistan ?

a. Iran
b. Afghanistan
c. China
d. India

10. The Objective Resolution of March 12, 1949 was passed by the Contituent Assemble with what significance ?

a. It is a Magna Carta of the contitutional history of Pakistan
b. It does not provide solution to economic problems of the people
c. It mixes religion with politics
d. It makes working of the Governmet complicated

Answers :

01. B , 02. B , 03. A , 04. C , 05. A
06. A , 07. C , 08. B , 09. D , 10. A
01. On Oct 24 1954, Governor - General Ghulam Muhammad dissolved the Constituent Assembly because :

a. It failed to draft a constitution
b. It wanted to become permanent body
c. It tried to protect corrupt politians
d. It ventured to impose limits on Governor - General`s discretionary powers

02. Peer Sahib Manki Sharif founded the following party in September 1949 :

a. Awami Muslim League
b. Jinnah Awami Muslim League
c. Jinnah League
d. Awami League

03. Results of general elections 1970 in Pakistan showed :

a. Awami League won all the seats in East Pakistan
b. PPP did win seats in East Pakistan
c. Awami League captured two seats in West Pakistan
d. Two candidates other than Awami League members won seats in East Pakistan

04. PRODA (Public Representative Office Disqualification Act) was passed in :

a. January 1949
b. January 1959
c. January 1950
d. January 1960

05. Who is the first Chief Executive of Pakistan ?

a. Gen. Ayub Khan
b. Gen. Yahya Khan
c. Gen. Zia - ul - haq
d. Gen. Pervez Musharraf

06. Liaquat - Nehru pact was announced at Delhi in :

a. January 1950
b. February 1950
c. March 1950
d. April 1950

07. Ayub Khan was member of All Talent Cabinet 1954. Name the Prime Minister :

a. Muhammad Ali Bogra
b. Ch. Muhammad Ali
c. Iskender Mirza
d. H.S. Suhrawardy

08. " If there were one hundred Ghandhis and two hundred Abdul Kalam Azads with the Muslim League but only one Muhammad Ali Jinnah with the Congress so that India would have never been divided" Who said this ?

a. Bolitho
b. Sirojni Nido
c. Lakhshmee Pandit
d. Hudson

09. In the second Constituent Assembly elected in 1955, The Muslim League formed a coalition Government with :

a. United Front
b. Noon Group
c. Independents
d. None of the above

10. Muhammad Ali Bogra formula was put forward in :

a. April 1953
b. October 1953
c. April 1954
d. October 1954

Answers :

01. D , 02. A , 03. D , 04. A , 05. D
06. D , 07. A , 08. B , 09D , 10. B

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