
Solved Pakistan Affairs Notes For Sub Inspector Test

01. Sindh was conquered by Mohd bin Qasim during the _____ period

a. Umayyads
b. Abbasids
c. Tulun
d. Idrisids

02. Mohd bin Qasim was the nephew of __________

a. Sulayman bin Abdul Malik
b. Abdul Malik bin Marwan
c. Walid bin Abdul Malik
d. Hajjaj bin Yousaf

03. Raja Dahir was the ruler of ________

a. Lahore
b. Dehli
c. Sindh
d. Depalpur

04. Debul and Alor are the names of _______

a. Places of Ancient Sindh
b. Old Gardens of Sindh
c. Ancient bulding
d. None of them

05. Who was Sisakar ?

a. Wazir of Hajjij bin Yousaf
b. Wazir of Mohd bin Qasim
c. Wazir of Raja Dahir
d. None of the above

06. Mohd bin Qasim tortured to death in a prison in Iraq during the caliphate of ___________

a. Sulaiman
b. Walid
c. Yazid
d. None of them

07. In 133 A.H / 750 A.D. the Abbasids overthrew the __________

a. Safvids
b. Mughals
c. Umayyads
d. Meds

08. The Abbasids Governor ______ came to Sindh in 140 A.H. / 757 A.D.

a. Hisham
b. Walid
c. Musa
d. Yasir

09. In 367 A.H / 777 A.D , Subuktigin , a Turkish slave became the master of __________

a. Lahore
b. Multan
c. Depalpur
d. Ghazni

10. Mahmood`s first important battle was fought against ______ near Peshawar in 8 Muharram 392 A.H 25 November 1001 A.D.

a. Jaipal
b. Sukhpal
c. Anandpal
d. None of them

11. Abu-al-Fath Daud was the Ismail ruler of __________

a. Lahore
b. Multan
c. Sindh
d. Depalpur

12. Mahmood set out on the expedition to Somnath on 17 october _______

a. 1023 A.D
b. 1024 A.D
c. 1025 A.D
d. 1026 A.D

13. Mahmood breathed his last sigh on 30 April ______

a. 1024 A.D
b. 1026 A.D
c. 1028 A.D
d. 1030 A.D

14. In ______ A.D the first battle of Traain was fought between Mohd Gauri and Rajputs under the command of Govind Rai brother of Prithvi Raj, Mohd Gauri defeated in this battle.

a. 1189
b. 1190
c. 1191
d. 1192

15. In _____ A.D the second battle of Train was fought and Rajput defeated in this battle.

a. 1190
b. 1191
c. 1192
d. 1193

Answers :

01. A , 02. D , 03. C , 04. A , 05. C
06. A , 07. C , 08. A , 09. D , 10. A
11. B , 12. B , 13. D , 14. C , 15. C

01. About the end of 2nd century B.C some unusual upheavals in the Central Asia let loose series of human floods thaat brought about after-wave of invasions into Indo-Pak Sub-continent, First invasion was made by :

a. The kushanas
b. The Sakas
c. The Bacirians
d. The Parthians

02. One of the main objectives of All - India Muslim League at the time of its creation was :

a. To be loyal to the Indian British Government
b. To take active part in the politics of the country
c. to be close to Hindu community
d. Not to take sides with any Indian community

03. The power of the Legislative councils was increased by

a. Minto - Morley Reforms, 1909
b. Simon Commission Report
c. 3rd Round Table Conference
d. Gandhi - Irwin Pact

04. Hindi - Urdu controversy of 1867 had far-reaching consequences because

a. It was the forerunner of the Two-Nation Theory
b. Made Muslims think to be close to the Hindu culture
c. To depend on the British Government for justice
d. To be indifferent to the Controversy

05. The elections should be held on the basis of general adult franchise. This demand was made in

a. Minto - Morley Reforms, 1909
b. Lucknow pact
c. Cripps Mission
d. Gandhi - Irwin Pact

06. Aligarh Muslim College started by Sir Syed Ahmed khan in 1877 had a clear programme

a. To keep the Muslim community abreast with western knowledge
b. To make Muslims learn Arabic and Persian only
c. To give students military education
d. To educate Muslim youth to be politically active

07. "The future form of Government would be federal to be joined by provinces and Indian states." This principle was settled in

a. Nehru Report
b. 1st Round Table Conference
c. Simon Report
d. Minto - Morley Reforms, 1909

08. Simla Deputation of 1906 had the following purpose

a. For future elections in the country Muslim community would get separate electorate
b. The Deputation was advised to take active part on politics
c. The Deputation was directed to be friendly with the rulers
d. To be in harmony with the Hindu Community of India

09. During the Khilafar Movement, "Chauri chaura" tragedy assumed greater significance. Which of the following incidents was peculiar to that

a. Country-wide strike of the traders
b. A police station was burnt in a village
c. Communaal riots erupted
d. The people refused to pay Government taxes

10. Ch. Rahmat Ali published a leaflet "Now or Never. Are We To Live or Perish Forever" issued on january 28, 1933 ; from Cambridge with the objective

a. To create a separate and independant Muslim state
b. To develop amity with the british as a Muslim community
c. To grow the concept of Indianism
d. To work with other Indian Communities for liberation of India

Answers :

01. C , 02. A , 03. A , 04. A , 05. B
06. A , 07. B , 08. A , 09. B , 10. A

*Syed Ahmed khan wrote ” Khutbat-i-Ahmadiya ” on 1869 in reply to william muir`s ” Life of Mohammad”

* Sir syed retired from service in 1976

* The total area of pakistan is 796096 square kilometres (307374 sq mi )

* There are 27 divisions and 108 districts in pakistan

* The total number of primary schools are 169,087,middle schools are 19180 and high schools are 13108.

* The number of registered doctors are 92248, Nurses are 40114 and Dentists are 4622.

* The first postage stamp of pakistan issued on 9th july, 1948

* The first census of pakistan was conducted on 9th feb,1951

* Gen. Ayub khan took over as the president on 17th feb ,1960 and Gen. A M Yahya khan took over on 31st mar.1969.

* PPP was founded by ZA bhutto on 30th nov,1967.

* The 1973 Constitution of pakistan promulgated on 12th april, 1973.

* Dr. Abdul Salam was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in Physics on 15th oct,1979.

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