
Solved Mcqs Islamic studies

I.      Easy Seerah Quiz

1.      What was the name of the year that Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) was born in?
a.       The Year of the Elephant
b.      The Year of the Camel
c.       The Year of the Cat
d.      The Year of the Horse
e.       The Year of the Bee

2.      What was the name of Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)'s wet-nurse?

a.       Halima (radiAllahu anha)
b.      Hafsa (radiAllahu anha)
c.       Amina (radiAllahu anha)
d.      Sumayyah (radiAllahu anha)
e.       Zainab (radiAllahu anha)

3.      What was the name of the city that Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) was born in?
a.       Madinah
b.      Cairo
c.       Jerusalem
d.      Makkah
e.       None of the above

 4.      How old was Mohammed (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) when his mother died?
a.       2 years old
b.      8 years old
c.       25 years old
d.      12 years old
e.       6 years old
 5.      How old was Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) when he first got married?
a.       27 years old
b.      25 years old
c.       33 years old
d.      40 years old
e.       19 years old
 6.      What was the first word of the Qur'an which was revealed to Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)?
a.       Pray
b.      Think
c.       worship
d.      Read
e.       Write

 7.      What was the name of the cave in which the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) first received the revelation from Allah Ta'ala?
a.       Cave Tawur
b.      Cave Hira
c.       Cave Jabal
d.      Cave Ameen
e.       None of the above

8.      What was the name of Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)'s Grandfater?
a.       Abu Talib
b.      Hamza
c.       Abu Bakr
d.      Abu Hurairah
e.       Abdul Mu'talib

 9.      which city did the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) migrate from Makkah to?
      a. Madinah
      b. Aqabah
      c. Basrah
      d. Jerusalem
      e. Riyad

10.  What was the name of Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)'s mother?
      a. Amina
      b. Amira
      c. Asma
      d. Asiyah
      e. A'isha

II.       Seerah Quiz - Medium Level

1.      Which Sahabah did not hesitate at all in believeing in Allah and Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) as being the truth, but accepted wholeheartedly, purely and fully at once?
Umar (radiAllahu anhu)
Abu Bakr (radiAllahu anhu)
Salman al-Farsi (radiAllahu anhu)
Uthman (radiAllahu anhu)

How long was the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) suckled by Halima as-Sadiyah?
1 year
3 years
2 years
none of the above

 1.      What was the name of the Christian monk (prĂȘtre) who recognised that Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) was a Prophet?
none of the above
2.      The year in which Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) lost his wife Khadijah bint Khawlaid (radiAllahu anha) is also given the title as what?
The Year of Death
The Year of Patience
The Year of Sorrow (chagrin)
The Year of Losing (Perte, el fakd)

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