
Sample Model Paper for Educator NTS Test 2016 ESE, SESE, SSE All categories

Sample Model Paper for Educator NTS Test ESE, SESE, SSE All categories

ENGLISH                       15 marks

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.
1.    Cut the apple __________ four parts.
A.       out
B.       into
C.        off
D.       in
2.    The sack ____________ a round basket in it.
A.       assembles
B.       joins
C.        finds
D.       contains
Five lettered pairs (A to E) follow a related pair of words given in capitals. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair in capitals.
3.    WOOL: SHEEP::
A.       brown: coat
B.       bell: cow
C.        silk: silkworm
D.       cotton: cloth
E.        water: fire
Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
4.    HARD:
A.       tough
B.       ugly
C.        fair
D.       soft
Choose the word most similar in meaning to the capitalized ones.
5.    REJECT:
A.       destroy
B.       weaken
C.        refuse
D.       include
Question 6 is based on the following passage.
What makes camels the best means of transport is not their speed. In fact they go slowly covering four to five kilometers an hour. But they can walk many hours on the burning sands of the desert. Their feet are made in such a way that walking on sand and hard rock is easy for them.
6.    What makes camels the best means of transport in a desert is their ability to
A.       walk for many hours
B.       walk in the sands
C.        carry heavy loads
D.       all of the above

Questions 7-9
In a Library, there are eighteen books in three shelves A, B and C, six books to a shelf. The books are of three types: Islam, Literature and Science.
The number of Islam books in the Library is exactly twice the num­ber of Literature books.
Each shelf contains at least one Science book.
7.    Each of the following could be the number of Islamic books in the Library except:
A.       4
B.       5
C.        6
D.       8
8.    If Shelf A contains exactly one Science book and no Islamic book, the number of Islamic books in Shelf C must be:
A.       2
B.       3
C.        4
D.       5

9.    If each shelf contains a different number of Islamic books and no shelf contains more than three Islamic books, the number of Science books in the Library may be:
A.       5
B.       6
C.        9
D.       10

In a certain house:
Bed room is bigger than Guest room.
Drawing room is bigger than Dinning room.
Dinning room is bigger than Guest room.
TV room is bigger than Bed room.

10. If the above information is true, which of the following is also true?
A.       Guest room is bigger than Dinning room.
B.       Bed room is smaller than Dinning room.
C.        TV room is bigger than Guest room.
D.       Drawing room is smaller than TV room.
11. What comes next in the series: AZBBZCCCZDDD?
A.       Z
B.       E
C.        D
D.       F
12. Man is to Walk as Bird is to ______.
A.       Run
B.       Walk
C.        Fly
D.       Weak
13.     Spread the Sheet _____the table             (on,      of,        from,   at        over)
14.     Tick the Antonym                      FOE    (Friend             Enemy             Foul     Fail      Fraud)
15.     Tick the Synonym:                    Queue             (Line    cue       lane      none)
Current Affair General Knowledge              15 marks
16.     Pakistan Status in Higher education among world        (122     124      126      128)
17.     Pakistani Women win Bronze medal in Safe Games 2016 
                                                                     ( Aysha      Sambreen        Nida    Hameeda)
18.     “Girl in the River” is new famous documentary by     
                                                                       (Fiza ali,          Sharmeen ubaid,         Fakhir)
19.     Total foreign Reserves of Pakistan FEB 2016.
                                                                          (2billion 38 million,     2billion            3 billion)
20.     Which X secretary General of UNO died in Feb 2016
                                                                              ( Batrus Ghali,  Abdul Kareem   Nasir jamal)
21.     Pakistani Ambassador for USA (Sheri Rehman            Syed Jaleel Abbass     irshad Haqqani)
22.     Pakistani women Appointed as Special Representative for UNO  ( Fareeh, Fizza farhan Nargis)
23.     Smallest bird of the world             (cuckoo     humming bird   sparrow   nightingale)
24.     Capital of Syria                              (Cairo            Damascus   Washington  Abu Dhabi)
25.     Land of mid night sun                    (Japan    Canada  Norway   Australia)
26.     Largest river of the world              (Amazon  Nile   sindh      none)
27.     Deepest lake of the world              (superior   Baikal   dead sea   saiful malook)
28.     Current chief justice of Pakistan  
29.     Smallest planet in solar system    (venues  Pluto   Saturn  mercury)
30.     Largest Muslim country population wise  (  Indonesia  qazaqstan   china  Vatican city)

Teaching profession and skills              40 marks
31.   which is not a communication skills      ( speaking listening reading understanding)
32.   communication means                            (to convince   to persuade   both a&b   none)
FTF (Faroghee Taleem Fund)
33.   A unified account for Farog-e-Taleem fund may be operated in the name of  
                                                            (DCO    EDO   Head teacher   DPI)
34.   Record of  all amounts received from the Govt. will ne maintained in the account
                                    ( general fund      public fund     Govt fund    private fund)
35.   Total  members of School Council   are as per policy     ( 15    12   17    21)
36.   Main Purpose of assessment is?         
( assessing acheivemetns, Take remedial steps, improving teaching n learning, All)
37.   Formative and summative are types of         ( ECE,         Assessment,       LND)
38.   Assessment during session is called    ( Summative,        Formative,  Cognative)
39.   Assessment at end of session is called ( Summative,        Formative,  Cognative)
Item Development
40.   Problem in Mcqs Test Items is called  ( Alternative,        Stem,          Root)
41.   Mcqs item development options are called   ( Alternative,        Stem,          Root)
42.   Wrong options for Mcqs Test are called           
                                                              ( Alternatives, Distracter,   Veriables)  
43.   Which item provide reliable scores.     ( Essays,     Mcqs,       Short questions)
44.   In item development which type is time consuming         
                                                                  ( Narrative, Mcqs,            Essays)
45.   Which item is helpful for teacher to diagnose student misconception.         
                                                            (Alternatives, Distracters,       Narratives)
46.   Which item type is ineffective for problem solving ( objective,  mcqs, essays)
47.   Which type of item encourage guessing                           ( objective,  mcqs, essays)
48.   In Mcqs item development formation should  be    (horizontal, Vertical)
49.   In Mcqs item development Stem should be in     ( Passive voice,     Active Voice)
50.   In item development content should be based on   ( books,      SLOs,           both)
51.   Best item to compare and anlyse Student Knowledge is ( Mcq, Essay,   prĂ©cis )
NSB(Non Salary Budget)
52.   NSB Fund will be spent on                  ( Salary,      Recurrent Expenditure,    Both)
53.   New initiative of Punjab Govt  for Child Education is ( CPD,   LND,   FTF)
54.   NSB will be helpful in
                               ( Student Retention,       Lesson dropout,   Cleanliness,  All)
55.   Who will Transfer funds in SDAs                 ( SED,         PMIU,         DSD, CIDA)
56.   Each school must prepare before Funds  ( Budget,     Plan,  SBAP,        ABAP)
57.   NSB Fund will be transferred by PMIU        (annually,   quarterly,    monthly)
58.   NSB Fund will be operated through   
                                         ( NSB(SC) account,       EDO account,       FTF account)
59.   Who  will maintain NSB account as DDO             ( Chairman SC,    H.T,  Both)
60.   Prohibited works for NSB are listed in          (Annex A,   Annex B,    Annex C)
61.   Percentage of Sales tax for Purchase is                   ( 14%,         15%, 16%, 17%)
62.   Percentage of Sales tax for services is                    ( 14%,         15%, 16%, 17%)
63.   Record of Assets(items) of school will be recorded in
                                                  (cash register, budget register,   inventory register)
64.   AEO will examine NSB works and report on which Performa.
                                                                      ( annex A,   Annex G,   Annex H)
65.   Who will report to DMO about NSB            ( AEO,        MEA,                   DTE)

FOR ESE   URDU- 15 MARKS,     Pak Study/islamyat 15 marks



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