
Current Affairs and General Knowledge Mcqs Solved for Educator NTS Test Download here

Current Affairs and General Knowledge Mcqs Solved for Educator NTS Test Download here                                  
   Current Affairs and General Knowledge
1.        2016 Saf Games Pakistan Won Gold Medal in the field of
( Squash,       Hockey,          Bedminton)
2.        Which Pakistani Scienstist detect Gravitational Waves Feb 2016         
                                                               (Samian,        Alia Khan,      Nargis Mawala)
3.        Current President of Afghanistan is                                                
( Abdullah,     Ashraf Ghani,            None)
4.        New Governor of KPK is                    ( Mahtab AbbassiM.Alam Khattak,         zafar Jamali)
5.        C.M Gilgit Baltistan is             ( Najeeb ur Rehman,       Hafeez ur Rehman, Nargis Sethi)
6.        Sana Ullah Zahri Replaced X CM Balochistan
( Atta Mengal,            Abdul Malik,  Mehmood achakzai)
7.        New President of France is               (François Hollande,             Medoof,          Dr Jonson)
8.        What is age of SUN ?           
               a)- 4.6 Billion Years b)- 4.9 billion years c)-4.10 billion years  d.4.8 billion years
9.        Time Taken by Sunlight to reach earth?               
                                       a) 5min.    b)- 8 min. and 16.6 sec.      c)-7 min. and 14 sec.
10.     clash civilization is written by:                     
a. jane austen.    b. leo Tolstoy   c.samuel Huntington.
11.     Ringitt is is the currency of ?                        a.Iraq             b. iran             c. Malaysia   d.kinya .
12.     Obama is US “s  ———-President ?           A.55th              b.47th              c.39th  d.44th .
13.     A Book of 2008” A way of hope and extremism by ?      
                                                 a.sameena jalal  b.aysha jalal   c.navena saqid    d. afia adil.
14.     Balck forest is a mountain range in ?        
a.South korea . b.Russia c.pakistan d.   Germany.
15.     Bill gates belong to ?                          a.programing  b. software . c.windows  d.microsoft.

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