
General Knowledge Mcqs for NTS and PPSC Test

General Knowledge MCQs for NTS, PPSC Test.
Answers are at the end
1 .Al-Tehrir Square is in __________.
A. Damascus
B. Cairo
C. Tripoli
D. Istanbul
2. The Secretary of States of United States is _______.
A. John Kerry
B. Joe Biden
C. Hillary Clinton
D. James F. Dobbins
3. The Vice President of United States is __________.
A. John Kerry
B. Joe Biden
C. Hillary Clinton
D. James F. Dobbins
4. 38th parallel is a boundary line between _________.
A. United States and Canada
B. Pakistan and India
C. Turkey and Cyprus
D. South and North Korea
5. Channel Tunnel is an Under Sea Rail Tunnel that linked ___________.
A. America and Mexico
B. England and France
C. France and Germany
d       England and Germany
6. The largest emitter of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is __________ .
A. Canada
B. Russia
C. China
D. Kazakhstan
7. The largest producer of Uranium is __________.
A. Canada
B. Russia
C. China
D. Kazakhstan
8. MI-5 is the secret agency of __________.
B. United States
C. United Kingdom
D. Israel
D. France
9. The Book "Long Walk to Freedom" is written by __________.
A. Nelson Mandela
B. Henry S. Commager
C. Bill Clinton
D. Mother Teresa
10. The Book "Higher than Hopes" is a biography of ________
A. Nelson Mandela
B. Henry S. Commager
C. Bill Clinton
D. Mother Teresa
11. What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)?
A. Muhammad bin Ismaeel
B. Muhammad Ismaeel
C. Muhammad Ibraheem
A. Ismaeel bin Ibraheem
12. Who is Secretary General of NATO?
A. Lord Ismay
B. Anders Fogh Rasmussen
C. Willy Claes
D. Hillary Clinton
13. 2016 Olympics will held in ________.
A. London
B. Rio de Janeiro
C. Doha
D. Beijing
14. 2022 FIFA world cup will held in _________.
A. Qatar
B. Russia
D. not decided yet
15. European Union has __________ member states.
A. 27
B. 28
C. 39
D. 30
16. The Euro currency is used by ________ countries.
A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 20
17. "Kashmir" is a disputed area between __________.
A. India and Sri Lanka
B. India and Bangladesh
C. India and Pakistan
D. Bangladesh and Pakistan
18. The 2013 Summer Universidad was held in _____.
A. Moscow
B. Kazan
C. Astana
A. Beijing
19. The secretary general of OIC is _________.
A. Ahmed Saleem
B. Syed Ali Mousavi
C. Prince Salman
D. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
20. The official languages of NATO are ___________.
A. English and French
B. English and German
C. English and Spanish
D. English, French and German
21. The Taj Mahal in India, was built by Mughal emperor __________.
A. Aurangzaib
B. Shah Jahan
C. Akbar
D. Humayun
22. The Sino-Indian War between China and India was occurred in __________.
A. 1956
B. 1959
C. 1962
D. 1965
23. "Northern Cyprus" is a disputed area between __________.
B. Cyprus and Czech Republic
C. Cyprus and United Kingdom
D. Cyprus and Greece
D. Cyprus and Turkey
24. In London Olympics 2012, the most medals were won by ___
A. America
B. Russia
C. China
D. United Kingdom
25. The River Thames is located in __________.
A. England
B. Scotland
C. Ireland
D. Finland
26. In London Olympics 2012, the gold medal, in Men's Field Hockey was won by _________
A. Germany
B. Holland
C. Australia
D. India
27. The Most populous city in the world is ________.
A. Beijing
B. Buenos Aires
C. Shanghai
D. Tokyo
28. The head of state of the United Kingdom is _____.
A. Queen Elizabeth I
B. Queen Elizabeth II
C. Queen Elizabeth III
D. Queen Elizabeth IV
29. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to which family?
A. Hashmi
B. Quraishi
C. Makki
D. Madni
30. In the beginning Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) worked as a shepherd for __________.
A. Banu Saad
B. Banu Asad
C. Banu Ummayya
D. Banu Makhzoom
31. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had ________ sons.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
32. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had ____ daughters.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
33. The first Ummayed Caliph was _________.
A. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
B. Ameer Muawiyah (R.A)
C. Abu Ubaidah (R.A)
D. Amr bin Al-Aas (R.A)
34. Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The sword of Allah"?
A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
B. Umar Farooque (R.A)
C. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
D. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
35. Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of "The lion of Allah"?
A. Umar Farooque (R.A)
B. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
C. Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib (R.A)
D. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
36. Which from the following countries has no armed forces?
B. Niger
C. Nigeria
D. Iceland
D. Latvia
37. Cave Hira is in the _________ mountain.
A. As-Safa
B. Sil
C. Uhud
D. An-Noor
38. The color of the first Islamic flag was _________.
A. White
B. Black
C. White and Black
D. Green
39. What was the relation between Prophet Ismail (A.S) and Prophet Ishaq (A.S)?
A. Ismail (A.S) was father of Prophet Ishaq (A.S)
B. Ishaq (A.S) was father of Prophet Ismail (A.S)
C. Brothers
D. Cousins
40. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in Madina for __________ years.
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11
41. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in _______ Hijrah.
A. 36
B. 38
C. 40
D. 42
42. The heads of Zakat are __________ .
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
43. There are _________ farz in wuzoo.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
44.The book of Hadith, Al-Muwatta, was compiled by.
A. Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)
B. Imam Shafi (R.A)
C. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)
D. Imam Malik (R.A)
45. The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar, was compiled by ___
A. Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)
B. Imam Shafi (R.A)
C. Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)
D. Imam Malik (R.A)
46. In Hajj, touching the Black Stone, is called_________ .
A. Istilam
B. Sayee
C. Ramee
D. Tawaf
47. The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to?
A. Makkah
B. Madina
C. Ethopia
D. Baghdad
48. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is called with the name "Ahmed" in Surah _________.
A. Ya-Seen
B. Muhammad
C. Saff
D. Muzzammil
49. "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" is stated in Surah _________.
A. Ya-Seen
B. Muhammad
C. Muzzammil
D. Fateha
50. Allah says, "Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of believers" in Surah ________.
A. Aal-e-Imraan
B. Yaaseen
C. Muhammad
D. Ahzaab
51. In Hajj, stoning the Devil, is called __________.
A. Istilam
B. Sayee
C. Ramee
A. Tawaf
52. Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice?.
A. Aal-e-Imraan
B. Al-Namal
C. Yaaseen
D. Muhammad
53. Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq (R.A)?
B. Aisha (R.A)
C. Juwairyyah (R.A)
D. Hafsah (R.A)
D. Maimoonah (R.A)
54. The "Battle of Yermuk" was fought between Muslims and _________.
A. Romans
B. Jews
C. Iranis
D. Christians
55. The name "Muhammad" has been mentioned _________ times in the Holy Quran.
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
D. 4
56. In Hajj, traveling seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, is called _________.
A. Istilam
B. Sayee
C. Ramee
D. Tawaf

57. In the "Sacrilegious wars", when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years of age, Quraish and their allies were lead by __________.
B. Abu Jahal
C. Abu Lahab
D. Umayah bin Khalaf
D. Harb bin Umayah

58. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sent his messengers to the kings beyond Arabia calling them to Islam. In order to authenticate the credentials of his messengers, a __________ seal was made.
A. Golden
B. Silver
C. Metallic
D. Wooden
59. In the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected __________ skillful archers to stay on a mountain (side).
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50
60. What was the relation between Prophet Moosa (A.S) and Prophet Haroon (A.S)?
A. Moosa (A.S) was father of Prophet Haroon (A.S)
B. Haroon (A.S) was father of Prophet Moosa (A.S)
C. Brothers
D. Cousins



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