

Life Lessons we learned From the Corona Virus COVID 19 Outbreakter in the whole world.

Few lessons learnt in past few days:

1. Majority of people can work from home.

2. We and our kids can survive without junk food.

3. Prisoners in jails for petty crimes can be released.

4. We can build hospitals within days.

5. We can spend Billions of Rs on poor without red tape

6. We can survive vacations without trips to Europe and USA.

7. Developed nations are as vulnerable as any poor nation. In fact more vulnerable i believe.

8. Our family system is still intact.

9. Schools are over burdening our kids with bullshits.

10. Money is abundant if we use it wisely.

11. We spend hell lot of Petrol unnecessarily burdening our economy.

12. Rich people are in fact weaker than the poor.

13. Elites are not powerful. They are shallow.

14. Buying every new designer lawn is not important.

15. Husbands can live with their  wife without weekly parlour visits and vice versa.

16. Elders are the backbone of a family.

17. Media is bullshit.