

PMS Paper Islamic History

1- the pre- islamic era is known as:
a) Modern age b) Age of ignorance c) Golden age d) none

2- Ma'rib dam was located in:
a) iraq b) yaman c) egypt d) none

3- Rulers of Pre- islamic iran were called:-
a) qaiser b) kisra c) shahan- shah d) none

4- Ka'bah is situated in the valley of:
a) Faran b) Makkah c) Taif d) none

5- Hajre- Aswad means:
a) pious stone b) black ston c) foundation stone d) none

6- The word "Muhammad" means:
a) The praised one b) Noble c) Respectful d) none

7- The first revelation came to Prophet (p.b.u.h) in:
a) Hira b) Thaur c) Dar-e-Arqam d) none

8- The duration of social boycott of Musliam Shi'b Abi Talib was for
a) 3 years b) 5 years c) 10 year d) none

9- The Battle of Uhad was fought in the year :
a) 3 Nabvi b) 8 Nabvi c) 9 A.H d) none

10- Who signed the treaty of Hudabiya on the behalf of the Quresh?
a) Abu sufyan b) Abu Lahab c) Abu al Hakam d) none

11- Banu Qurayzah, Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir were three tribes of :
a) Quraysh b) Christian c) the jews d) none

12- Quran was revealed in :
a) 25 years b) 27 year c) 23 year d) none

13- Hazrat Umer (R.A) was assassinated in the month of:
a) Ramadan b) Ziq'ad c) Muharram d) none

14- Musaylama was:
a) philosopher b) poet c) false prophet d) none

15- The battle of Jamal was fought between Hazrat Aisha and:
a) hazrat muawiyah b) hazrat talah c) hazrat ali d) none

16- The capital of umyad dynasty was:
a) Baghdad b) Cairo c) Khusran d) none

17- Abbasid Caliphate came into being in:
a) 132 AH b) 122 AH c) 142 AH d) none

18- SAmmarra was built by:
a) Al-mansur b) Al mahdi c)Al-must'asim d) none
19- Jizya is a :-
a) poll tax b) trade tab c) land taxd) none

20- The ottoman dynasty fell in:
a) 1857 b) 1926 c) 1940 d) none

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